Romulus and Remus [Postcard]


This photograph depicts Dr. McCleery with two of his wolves named Romulus and Remus at Dr. McCleery's lobo wolf park, located along Route 6 five miles east of Kane, PA. The uncropped version of this photograph is a postcard. The caption on the front of the card reads, "Romulus and Remus © Nicolas Kane, Pa."

The cropped photograph version of this item (owned by the Kane Historic Preservation Society) has some torn typewritten paper attached to the back of it which reads, "...etting a good print of the timber" and on the next line, "...the enclosure,"

This photograph was taken between 1929 (when Dr. McCleery moved the wolf park to the Route 6 location) and 1949 (when A. A. Nicolas passed away).


The postcard version of this item was generously contributed by Nancy Avolese.



Between 1929 and 1949


The photograph version of this image is owned by the Kane Historic Preservation Society.