This photograph depicts five wolves at Dr. McCleery's lobo wolf park, located within the town limits of Kane, PA. One of the wolves is lying on a tall structure in the distance. This photograph is included in the photo album of Margaret R. Jones.
The photo album of Margaret R. Jones includes two notes. One indicates that the captions were hand-written by Frank Hall, and the other note reads “This album was presented to me, on (Dec. 25) 1924, from Mrs. Spitz." (“Spitz” is a best guess at what the handwriting says.)
This photograph was taken between 1921 (when Dr. McCleery obtained his first wolf) and 1924 (when the photo album was presented to Margaret R. Jones).
The photo album of Margaret R. Jones includes two notes. One indicates that the captions were hand-written by Frank Hall, and the other note reads “This album was presented to me, on (Dec. 25) 1924, from Mrs. Spitz." (“Spitz” is a best guess at what the handwriting says.)
This photograph was taken between 1921 (when Dr. McCleery obtained his first wolf) and 1924 (when the photo album was presented to Margaret R. Jones).
This item was generously contributed by the Lorenzo family.
Between 1921 and 1924