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  • Tags: Location - Emigrant, MT

This excerpt describes the "Chico Wolf" which was killed by a vehicle near Yellowstone National Park (and near Jack Lynch's wolf preserve) in 1988. It was suspected that the wolf had escaped from Jack's preserve, but Jack denied this, and the wolf did not have any of the identification tattoos…
Date: 2008

This article appears in the sensational tabloid the Weekly World News. It profiles Jack Lynch (57 years old), who owns a 250-acre preserve in Emigrant, MT for his buffalo wolves. The wolves are reported to weigh up to 200 pounds each. Lynch raises cattle to feed them, and spends an additional $552…
Date: March 30, 1982

This documentary profiles Jack Lynch and Mary Wheeler and their work to breed and preserve the last of the buffalo wolves - Canis lupus nubilus - which were exterminated in the wild by 1931. The ancestors of their wolves came from the eastern part of Montana to the Dakota territory.

The Lynches'…
Date: 1987

This article reports that the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks has denied Jack Lynch permission to pick up roadkill to feed his wolves. At the time of writing, Lynch has about 100 wolves, each of whom eats 35-40 pounds of meat per week. A photo is included of Lynch and a buffalo wolf…
Date: February 1981, probably a day or two before the 18th

This article reports on the controversial proposal to reintroduce wolves to Yellowstone National Park. The E. H. McCleery Foundation located near Yellowstone in Emigrant, MT became a topic of conversation when a wolf was recently killed by a car in the area. The wolf was thought to have escaped from…
Date: September/October 1990

A memory submitted by Elliott Dushkin about his and his wife's (Carolyn Dushkin's) correspondence with Jack and Mary Lynch over the course of several years, starting in the late 1980s.
Date: September 29, 2015

This article reports that Jack Lynch (age 57) and Mary Wheeler (age 52) are moving the wolves in their care to a 160-acre lot which they have recently purchased in the Gallatin Range, Montana. One of Lynch's reasons for the move is that Montana is the wolves' natural range and they will lose…
Date: October 19, 1980

This article profiles Jack Lynch (65 years old) and his wife Mary (57 years old) and their work with wolves, of which they currently own 85. Most of them are buffalo wolves, of which Lynch has nurtured three generations over the past 27 years. The Lynches also have nine dogs, nine cats, eight goats,…
Date: June 27, 1988