This book by Dr. E. H. McCleery describes the different subspecies of wolves, the psychology of his wolves, and provides anecdotes of the pack. It completely covers the time at the Kane wolf park, and a short amount of time at the Route 6 wolf park. The poem on the last page was written by the Kane…
The wolf sightings reported three days previous have been confirmed; a 40-pound timber wolf was shot near Albion by Albert Long. It is believed that the wolves crossed into Pennsylvania from Ontario via the ice on Lake Erie in search of food. This article offers an analysis of the situation by Dr.…
This article reports that the 130-pound lobo wolf "Bounding Elk" broke through two layers of wire fencing separating his pen from that of two timber wolves (weighing 85 and 75 pounds) and proceeded to kill both wolves. At the time of writing, there were 27 lobo and white arctic wolves in addition to…
This article continues the debate between Dr. McCleery and James Curran regarding the ferocity of wolves or lack thereof. A comparison of the size, weight, and ferocity of the various subspecies of wolves (including lobo wolves, Canadian wolves, and Alaskan wolves) is provided. At the time of…
This article describes Dr. McCleery's pack of the last of the lobo wolves, of which he usually maintains about 60. An anecdote is given of Dr. McCleery's interaction with wolves about 30 years previous. He was traveling the West and observed a pair of wolf pups devour animal bones without…
This article details the characteristics and behaviors of Dr. E. H. McCleery’s lobo wolves and how they differ from timber wolves. The leaflet written by Dr. McCleery is quoted. When the article was written, Dr. McCleery had 39 lobo wolves, and attacks by them had sent him to the hospital three…
This humorous article describes Dr. E. H. McCleery's hobby of raising a pack of lobo wolves, the history of the wolf pack (Dr. McCleery first became interested in wolves on a big game hunt before 1900 with the late J. P. Morgan), the psychology of the wolves, the culling of the wolf pack (Dr.…
This article describes how Dr. E. H. McCleery became interested in wolves, beginning with an account of Theodore Roosevelt's speech to the Princeton Gun Club (of which McCleery was president) which inspired him to travel to the Yukon where he encountered his first wild wolf. Since then, the United…
This article describes how Dr. E. H. McCleery became interested in wolves and how he began his wolf pack. The article mentions Dr. McCleery's wolf-feeding practices and his highly successful taming program. At almost 90 years old, Dr. McCleery is greatly concerned with the future of his wolves, but…
This article describes how Dr. E. H. McCleery became interested in wolves and how he began his wolf pack. The article mentions Dr. McCleery's wolf-feeding practices and his highly successful taming program. At 92 years old, Dr. McCleery is greatly concerned with the future of his wolves, but will…
This article profiles Jack Lynch, a man in his early 40s, and his work to ensure that the last of the "lobo" or "buffalo" wolves - Canis lupus nubilus - does not become extinct. Zoologists claim that Lynch's wolves are not a separate species, and that "lobo" is simply a colloquial Spanish term for…
This article describes Jack Lynch, his partner Mary Wheeler, and their work with wolves. At the time of writing, Lynch had 125 wolves representing six subspecies (72 of which are buffalo wolves). It reports that the buffalo wolves can reach up to 200 pounds and seven feet in length. Lynch has…