This article quotes Joseph Gonda, chairman of the Tourism Committee of the Kane Chamber of Commerce, as he describes Dr. E. H. McCleery's lobo wolves as a most important tourism attraction in the Kane area, and his happiness that the Lynches will keep the wolves in the area. Questions about the distance to or opening hours of the wolf park are among the most common for the Chamber of Commerce.
An excerpt from the article is quoted below.
An excerpt from the article is quoted below.
February 20, 1962
Page Numbers
Supplement: Special "Dr. McCleery-Wolves" Edition, Page 4
This supplemental special edition is not available on microfilm. A copy is currently owned by the Kane Depot and is available for viewing there.
This article is in-copyright. Copyright belongs to the Kane Republican. Partial text of the article is posted in this archive with permission as documented here.
Partial Text
He said today "One of our most frequent inquiries is "How far is it to the Wolves?" or questions about hours of opening of the park. Rarely, he said, does anyone ask about the Wolves themselves - indicating the visitors have heard of the wolves, know about them and are making a special effort to see them.