New M'Cleery Wolf Park is Occupied by the Entire Pack [Article in Kane Republican]


This article reports that Dr. E. H. McCleery has completed transportation of his wolves and that the new park on Route 6 is now occupied by the entire pack of 72 wolves. Seventeen wolf pups remain at the stone house at the West Side Park where they are being tamed.

Construction of the park is nearly complete - the stone archway at the entrance was finished yesterday, though the driveway is not yet completed and Dr. McCleery plans to install lights for nighttime viewing of the wolves. The article comments on the new park's beauty and gives a detailed account of the setup and structure.

An excerpt from the article is quoted below.


May 11, 1929

Page Numbers



The Kane Republican is available on microfilm.

Partial Text

The last wolf was placed in the new park at about five o'clock yesterday afternoon. Dr. McCleery and a few spectators were at the entrance to the pens when he released the door and the animal strode majestically into its new home.

Seventeen wolf pups still remain at the stone house in the West Side park. They are being tamed by special handlers who are familiarizing the little animals with the human touch.

Thirty-two members of the pack are full grown wolves.

Work at the new park is rapidly nearing completion. Finishing touches were put on a stone arch over entrance to the enclosure yesterday. Visitors to the place drive off the paved road onto a driveway which is flanked by spacious parking areas. The driveway, which has not been completed as yet, is to be of crushed stone.

After entering the outer gate, visitors walk down a rustic path to a small slope on which has been built rough stone steps. Midway down the slopes the pens begin. The wolf enclosures cover about an acre of ground and are of very attractive construction. Double strength wire mesh eleven feet high surrounds all of the pens and runways in which the animals are kept.

Outside the pens a path constructed of crushed wood encircles the entire enclosure. Spectators by means of this path are afforded a close-up view of the animals and are enabled to get within a few inches of the wolves in safety, if they so desire.