Type of Wolf
Referred to as both a White Arctic1(p.14,34) and a Northern Lobo1(p.14)
Geographic Origin
Highwood Mountains, Montana1(p.2)
May 19211(p.5)
Obtained Through
Captured by Wolfer Griffith1(p.2) and obtained through Dr. Fisher of Washington DC,1(p.5) R. E. Bateman of Montana,1(p.5) and Mr. Stacey Eckert in the employ of the United States Government Forestry Department.1(p.2)
Age When Obtained
Birth Date
Death Date
Biographical Text
Montana was a daughter of the famous outlaw wolves Old Snowdrift and Lady Snowdrift. She and her littermates - Diana, Boreas, and Lobo - were the survivors of the Snowdrifts' first litter discovered by wolfers; the rest of the litter crawled into the crevices of the den and died. Montana's other sibling, Silvermoon, was obtained from the second Snowdrift litter discovered by wolfers.1(p.2)
Montana and her siblings were mostly tamed by the Wolfer Griffith before they were sent to Dr. McCleery.1(p.6)
Montana was mated to Achilles,1(p.7) but only because no other mate was available. They were not a happy couple.1(p.17) Their son Neoptolemus attacked Dr. McCleery at one point, and Montana defended Dr. McCleery from her son.1(p.18)
One year, Montana killed all of her brother Boreas's pups.1(p.16) I am unsure of who the mother of these pups was.
After the death of Achilles, Montana was mated to Geronimo because she had a strong enough personality to handle him.1(p.16)
In November 19262 Montana died of intestine trouble brought about by infected meat from a diseased horse. She was mated to Geronimo at the time.1(p.16-17)