

One of Dr. McCleery's original wolves. Her bloodline does not run in the current pack.



Type of Wolf

Possibly a large timber wolf rather than a buffalo wolf1(p.6)

Geographic Origin

Waterton Lakes, Alberta, Canada1(p.6)


Probably 19211(p.6)

Obtained Through

Canadian Biological Department1(p.6)

Age When Obtained

Pup, but too old to have been tamed1(p.6)

Birth Date

Probably around early 1921

Death Date

Before 1929

Biographical Text

Dr. McCleery and Aurora got along decently although Aurora was never very tame. She would only permit him to pet her at night when no one else was around. She was kept at the wolf park for at least one mating season, but never had a mate.

One day, during a game played by the wolves and Dr. McCleery, it was Aurora's turn to pretend to be a deer that they all "caught." Aurora was offended and became particularly angry with Dr. McCleery. She attacked him soon afterwards, and again several times after that. Dr. McCleery eventually sold her to a dealer, and she was later shot.1(p.6)
