Carroll Household in the 1910 United States Census [Census Record]


The 1910 Census describes the Carroll household at 5 Park Avenue in Kane, PA - a house which the family rents. Martin Carroll, head of the household, is described as a white 52-year-old male who works as a gauger of oil tanks. He was born in New York, and his parents were both born in Ireland. His wife, Florence Carroll, is described as a white 37-year-old female. She has had four children, all of whom are currently living. She was born in Pennsylvania, her father was born in England, and her mother was born in the United States. Martin and Florence's marriage is both of their first marriage.

Their four daughters are Florence Carroll (18 years old), Marian Carroll (17 years old), Rose Carroll (13 years old), and Dorothy Carroll (5 years old). Each of the children were born in Pennsylvania and they each (except for Dorothy) have attended school in the past year.

English is the native language of each family member and they are each able to read and write (with the exception of the 5-year-old Dorothy).



April 1910

Page Numbers

Enumeration District 123, Sheet Number 16A, Line Numbers 14-19


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Partial Text

Location: 5 Park Avenue

Name: Carroll, Martin
Relation of this person to the head of the family: Head
Sex: Male
Color: White
Age at last birthday: 52
Whether single, married, widowed, or divorced: M1
Place of birth of this person: New York
Place of birth of Father of this person: Irish Ireland
Place of birth of Mother of this person: Irish Ireland
Whether able to speak English: English
Trade or profession: Gauger
General nature of industry, business, or establishment in which this person works: Oil Tanks
Whether an employer, employee, or working on own account: W
Whether out of work on April 15, 1910: No
Number of weeks out of work during year 1909: 0
Whether able to read: Yes
Whether able to write: Yes
Home owned or rented: R
Farm or house: H

Name: Carroll, Florence
Relation of this person to the head of the family: Wife
Sex: Female
Color: White
Age at last birthday: 37
Whether single, married, widowed, or divorced: M1
Mother of how many children...
Number Born: 4
Number Living: 4
Place of birth of this person: Pennsylvania
Place of birth of Father of this person: English England
Place of birth of Mother of this person: United States
Whether able to speak English: English
Trade or profession: None
Whether able to read: Yes
Whether able to write: Yes

Name: Carroll, Florence
Relation of this person to the head of the family: Daughter
Sex: Female
Color: White
Age at last birthday: 18
Whether single, married, widowed, or divorced: S
Place of birth of this person: Pennsylvania
Place of birth of Father of this person: New York
Place of birth of Mother of this person: Pennsylvania
Whether able to speak English: English
Trade or profession: None
Whether able to read: Yes
Whether able to write: Yes
Attended school any time since Sept. 1, 1909: Yes

Name: Carroll, Marian
Relation of this person to the head of the family: Daughter
Sex: Female
Color: White
Age at last birthday: 17
Whether single, married, widowed, or divorced: S
Place of birth of this person: Pennsylvania
Place of birth of Father of this person: New York
Place of birth of Mother of this person: Pennsylvania
Whether able to speak English: English
Trade or profession: None
Whether able to read: Yes
Whether able to write: Yes
Attended school any time since Sept. 1, 1909: Yes

Name: Carroll, Rose
Relation of this person to the head of the family: Daughter
Sex: Female
Color: White
Age at last birthday: 13
Whether single, married, widowed, or divorced: S
Place of birth of this person: Pennsylvania
Place of birth of Father of this person: New York
Place of birth of Mother of this person: Pennsylvania
Whether able to speak English: English
Trade or profession: None
Whether able to read: Yes
Whether able to write: Yes
Attended school any time since Sept. 1, 1909: Yes

Name: Carroll, Dorothy
Relation of this person to the head of the family: Daughter
Sex: Female
Color: White
Age at last birthday: 5
Whether single, married, widowed, or divorced: S
Place of birth of this person: Pennsylvania
Place of birth of Father of this person: New York
Place of birth of Mother of this person: Pennsylvania
Whether able to speak English: English
Trade or profession: None