A Wolf Pack Howls in His Back Yard [Article in American Magazine]


This article, which appears in the "Interesting Pictures of Interesting People" section, profiles Dr. E. H. McCleery and describes his hobby of keeping a wolf pack. At the age of 12 he wanted a wolf, but his father objected. Later in 1921, after becoming a leading physician in Kane, he obtained his first wolf named Jerry, about whom the article offers several anecdotes. More wolves followed, and he now has over 100 wolves kept at his two parks - one just outside of Kane and another near Coatesville. He has saved the lobo (buffalo) wolf from extinction and breeds the animals as pets.

Though Dr. McCleery and his wolf keepers have been attacked by the wolves, and though he believes the wolves would kill if given a reason to do so, he loves his wolves and believes that a wolf, if treated kindly, will be a friend to man.

The article includes a photo of Dr. McCleery with a litter of wolf pups, and another photo of him being licked by a wolf stated in the caption to be a female wolf named Red Cloud. The photos are attributed to Nicolas.


February 1931





Page Numbers

81, 129