"Achilles" A Wolf Which Has Gone Bad [Postcard]


I believe this picture depicts the first Achilles; Dr. McCleery was fond of the name, and also had wolves named Achilles Jr., Achilles III, and Achilles IV. Several early postcards exist depicting Dr. McCleery's original wolves, and I believe this is one of them. Dr. McCleery obtained Achilles in 1921, and Achilles had died by 1926. I am making a guess that this photograph was taken by A. A. Nicolas based on the style.

The first file is a postcard version of this image. The second file is a photograph version of this image with slightly different eyes.



Between 1921 and 1926


The postcard version of this image is owned by Kirsten Canfield. The photograph version of this image is owned by the Kane Historic Preservation Society.