Catalogue of the College of New Jersey Princeton 1885-86 [Academic Catalog]


This catalog of Princeton University lists Edward Heber McCleery of Milton, PA in the academic year of 1885-86 as a student of the John C. Green School of Science - a sophomore undergraduate who is a candidate for the Civil Engineering (C.E.) degree and who is currently residing at 6 West Entry of Witherspoon Hall.

The catalog mentions that in the previous academic year of 1884-85, McCleery was one of two freshman honormen of the School of Science, and previously attended Lawrenceville School. The "I." after McCleery's name may indicate that in his first year, he was a candidate for the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree.



Page Numbers

31, 40


This article is accessible via Google. The specific mentions of E. H. McCleery can be found here.

Partial Text

---Page 31---

The John C. Green School of Science


I. Candidates for B.S.
II. For C.E.

Sophomore Class

II. Edward Heber McCleery, Milton, Pa., 6 W W H


W W H, West Entry of Witherspoon Hall

---Page 40---

Honors 1884-85

Freshman Honormen, School of Science

I. E. H. McCleery, Pa., Lawrenceville School.