Memory by Sharon Parker


A memory submitted by Sharon Parker whose father, an airline worker, cared for one of Jack Lynch's cougar cubs at the airport while waiting for Jack Lynch to collect her. Sharon and her family subsequently visited the wolf park several times in the 1960s.


December 23, 2015


My father worked ramp service for Eastern Airlines back in the day. One day a cougar cub arrived at Greater Pittsburgh Airport, (this was before it was dubbed International) but the weather was horrible and the owner wasn't able to be there to meet her. My father, always an animal lover, took careful care of her until her owner could arrive. When he finally arrived, he invited my dad to bring his family to Kane to visit his wolves. We went many times after that first meeting. One of my best memories (I was very small, probably 9 or 10) was of that cougar, now fully grown, dropping straight down out of her tree to land on the man's shoulders, and then them playing and cuddling together. I also remember the young wolves standing on his shoulders like in the picture above, although i recall his old male being even taller than this one. Such amazing animals, such an incredible relationship. This man and his animals are one of my most precious memories growing up. I never knew his name until now.

That would have been some time in the mid 1960's, and from the pictures I recognize Jack, so definitely after the sale.

Those wolves colored my dreams for years, not to mention the giant ice cream cones from Mt Jewett after every visit.