This photograph depicts Dr. McCleery with two of his wolves - one of which is standing with its paws on Dr. McCleery's shoulders - at Dr. McCleery's lobo wolf park, located within the town limits of Kane, PA. A birthing den is visible in the distance. This photograph is included in Dr. McCleery's…
This photograph depicts Dr. McCleery with one of his wolves with its paws on his shoulders, giving him a kiss, at Dr. McCleery's lobo wolf park, located within the town limits of Kane, PA. This photograph is included in the February 1931 issue of the American Magazine where it is attributed to A. A.…
This book by Dr. E. H. McCleery describes the different subspecies of wolves, the psychology of his wolves, and provides anecdotes of the pack. It completely covers the time at the Kane wolf park, and a short amount of time at the Route 6 wolf park. The poem on the last page was written by the Kane…