Pennsylvania's Who's Who: 1957-1958 Edition [Book]


This book lists prominent Pennsylvania residents along with their biographical information and accomplishments. Dr. E. H. McCleery is profiled for his accomplishments with the lobo wolves. Also described are his family, history of prospecting for gold in Alaska, experience with wild mustangs, wartime efforts, education, profession, and retirement.

Dr. McCleery's profile is quoted below.





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Partial Text

McCLEERY, Edward Heber
b. July 23, 1867, Milton, Pa.. Father: John, Mother: Mary Marr.. Res.: R.D. 1, Kane, Pa.. Bs.: R.D. 1, Kane, Pa.. Owner, Lobo Wolf Exhib.. Obtained 29 specimens about 1920 when the U.S. Biological Survey was actively exterminating them.. Chief Med. Exam. for the Exemption Bd. of McKean Co. during war.. Daught.: Helen Catherine Mendon (Pa. State U.).. Ed.: Lawrenceville N.J. Prep., Princeton U., U. of Pa., Jefferson Med. Col.. practiced med. 50 yrs. before retirement to exhibit wolves.. prospected for gold in Central Alaska, 1887.. experience breaking wild mustangs in the Western U.S. when young enabled him to handle the wolves.. author of art. on Lobo Wolves.

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