The Main Sources

If you're just getting started with researching Dr. McCleery's work, or if you just want to find a few of the best sources, here are some of the main sources which contain lots of information.

Dr. McCleery's book "The Lone Killer," 1929

The Lone Killer [Book]

"The Only Lobo Wolves In The World" Pamphlets, mid-1900s

"The Only Lobo Wolves In The World" Pamphlets Page

Kane Republican Supplement: Special "Dr. McCleery - Wolves" Edition, 1962

Link to all of the articles in this Special Edition

On February 20, 1962, a couple weeks after the announcement that Dr. McCleery had sold his wolf park to Jack and Marjorie Lynch, the Kane Republican published a supplement called the Special "Dr. McCleery - Wolves" Edition honoring Dr. E. H. McCleery and his work with wolves and extending best wishes to the Lynches. This supplement is not available on microfilm, but a copy is currently owned by the Kane Depot and is available for viewing there.

Dr. McCleery's Obituary, 1962

Dr. E. H. McCleery, Aged 94, Dies; Widely Noted For Famed Wolf Pack, Won World Recognition For His Efforts to Save Lobos From Extinction, Resided Here 68 Years; Was Practicing Physician For Over Half-Century [Article in Kane Republican]

Article about Jack Lynch and his wolves in Sports Illustrated, 1979

Keeper of Something Unique [Article in Sports Illustrated]

Documentary about Jack Lynch, Mary Wheeler, and their wolves, 1987

Wolf Man, Wolf Wish [Documentary]