The Main Sources
If you're just getting started with researching Dr. McCleery's work, or if you just want to find a few of the best sources, here are some of the main sources which contain lots of information.
Dr. McCleery's book "The Lone Killer," 1929
"The Only Lobo Wolves In The World" Pamphlets, mid-1900s
"The Only Lobo Wolves In The World" Pamphlets Page
Kane Republican Supplement: Special "Dr. McCleery - Wolves" Edition, 1962
Link to all of the articles in this Special Edition
On February 20, 1962, a couple weeks after the announcement that Dr. McCleery had sold his wolf park to Jack and Marjorie Lynch, the Kane Republican published a supplement called the Special "Dr. McCleery - Wolves" Edition honoring Dr. E. H. McCleery and his work with wolves and extending best wishes to the Lynches. This supplement is not available on microfilm, but a copy is currently owned by the Kane Depot and is available for viewing there.
Dr. McCleery's Obituary, 1962
Article about Jack Lynch and his wolves in Sports Illustrated, 1979
Keeper of Something Unique [Article in Sports Illustrated]
Documentary about Jack Lynch, Mary Wheeler, and their wolves, 1987