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Listed below are the documents contained in the Kane Depot’s McCleery Lobo Wolves collection. The documents are available for download as long as no known copyright restrictions exist. If a document is believed to be in-copyright, information about the document will be provided, but a downloadable version will not be available.
The following is a collection of affidavits created to prove the ferocity of Dr. McCleery’s wolves.
Affidavit of Mrs. A. E. Carson
Affidavit of Robert Jones (1)
Affidavit of Robert Jones (2)
Affidavit of Robert Jones (3)
Affidavit of Earl Jones
Affidavit of Dr. E. H. McCleery
Affidavit of Elmer Jones
Affidavit of Clarence Johnson
Affidavit of Myrtle Jarensky
Affidavit of Volney F. Dunbar
Affidavit of R. Marshall
Affidavit of Harry McGowan
Affidavit of Mrs. Mabel Kidd
Letter from Harold M. Anderson to Graydon F. Smart
Letter from Emerson Carney to Dr. E. H. McCleery
Letter from Leonard Rue III to Dr. E. H. McCleery
Letter from Oliver F. W. Cromwell VIII to Dr. E. H. McCleery
Letter from Dr. E. H. McCleery to John L. Cliff
Magazine Articles
Dog Heroes: The Mongrel and the Puma (Classics Illustrated)
He Loves Wolves (Alaska Sportsman)
Newspaper Articles
Wolves for his Playmates (Philadelphia Public Ledger)
Lobo Wolves of Kane -- Swift, Savage and Untamed (Erie Dispatch [Erie, PA])
The Only Lobo Wolves In The World
Photograph of Dr. E. H. McCleery
Photograph of Dr. E. H. McCleery and Wolves
Summary of Dr. E. H. McCleery's Life and Work